JBG Employer Care

JBG approaches its EAP responsibilities in a unique way – that the Employer is also a beneficiary of our work and is to receive services appropriate to its business goals. JBG offers its employer services without overlap or compromise to those it provides to employees and family members.
Our standard Employer services include unlimited:
  • Consultation with Human Resources and senior management for workplace issues and planning
  • Formal Management Referrals [for process and referral documents, click here
  • EAP employee positive results on alcohol / drug tests [for process and referral documents, click here
  • EAP services for employee positive results on alcohol / drug tests
  • Coordination with group medical plan for higher level of care [post-EAP]
  • Marketing and promotion coordinated with Human Resources; includes electronic copies of employer flyers, worksite posters, monthly webinars, and quarterly newsletters; printed wallet cards; preparation of custom topical flyers as requested by the client; and annual on-site Employee EAP Orientation and annual Supervisor EAP education [additional fee outside Arizona]
  • Participation in on-site Open Enrollments and Health Fairs [additional fee outside Arizona]
  • Quarterly / detailed Utilization Reports [submitted electronically]; ad hoc reports from standard data available at no cost
Additional fee Services:
  • b39d53607b2d1f472221633214dcfe5a On-site response to Critical Incident / Trauma events, with post-incident follow-up and reporting. Employees needing emotional care resulting from the incident will be treated through the EAP, or if necessary, referred by JBG to the group medical plan for higher level of care [post-EAP]. For an outline of JBG’s process, click here – link]
  • b39d53607b2d1f472221633214dcfe5a On-site training of employee or management groups
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